Malesian Orchid Journal Vol. 8


The Malesian Orchid Journal, a new twice-yearly publication, will publish scientific and semi-popular articles on the taxonomy, ecology and conservation of the native orchids of the Malesian—the area formerly known as the East Indies. Malesia traditionally comprises the Philippines, Sundaland (Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Islands (Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi), Lesser Sunda Islands (e.g. Bali, Lombok, Komodo, Sumbawa, Flores, Timor), and Papuasia (Maluku, New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago, but excluding Bougainville). Many of the world’s biodiversity hotspots are located in Malesia. The flora may be represented by as many as 30,000 flowering plants, including 6000 native orchid species in 200 genera. Approximately 3000 species are recorded from the island of New Guinea alone, while Mount Kinabalu on Borneo, an area of only about 1200 km2, has 850 taxa of orchids in 137 general.


  • Editorial
  • Miscellaneous New and Noteworthy Orchids from Sabah by Jeffrey J. Wood and Anthony Lamb
  • A New Species of Paphiopedilum from Sabah by Phillip Cribb and Anthony Lamb
  • New Species of Calanthe from New Guinea, Bougainville and the Solomon Islands by Phillip Cribb, Paul Ormerod and Dudley Clayton
  • The Genus Appendicula on Mount Kinabalu by Jeffrey J. Wood
  • Grammatophyllum speciosum — Is the World’s Largest Epiphytic Orchid in the Wild Found in Sabah? by Anthony Lamb
  • The Attraction of Flowers of Bulbophyllum (Section Sestochilus) to Bactrocera Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) by Ong Poh Teck, Alvin Hee Kah Wei, Wee Suk Ling and Tan Keng Hong
  • Fly Pollination in Four Malaysian Species of Bulbophyllum (Section Sestochilus) — B. lasianthum, B. lobbii, B. subumbellatum and B. virescens by Ong Poh Teck and Tan Keng Hong
  • Caught Red-handed — Stingless Bees Rob Pollinia from Corymborkis veratrifolia by Ling Chea Yiing
  • Daylight Robbery — A Stingless Bee Robs Dendrobium microglaphys (Section Amblyanthus) of its Pollinia by Ong Poh Teck
  • In Search of Slipper Orchids on Mount Kinabalu in 1959 by Sheila Collenette
  • Book Review: The Orchids of Mount Kinabalu by André Schuiteman

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Weight 0.5 kg


Jeffrey J. Wood


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