Alison Clausen
Alison Clausen is the Madagascar and Western Indian Ocean Director for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). She is responsible for the continued development of the WCS Madagascar Program, which implements field-based conservation projects throughout the country in collaboration with Government ministries and local communities. She has a double Masters degree in environmental management and environmental conservation from the University of Sydney and Charles Sturt University in Australia. She has more than 20 years of professional experience in conservation and natural resources management, and has worked in nature conservation in Madagascar for the last eight years. Prior to assuming leadership of WCS Madagascar in 2014, Alison worked in the environmental department of World Bank Country Office in Madagascar, and was the Climate Change Program Leader at WWF Madagascar. Over the course of her career, she has also worked in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Tonga, France, and Australia. Recently, Alison and Miguel have worked together to tackle Angonoka trafficking issues.