Malesian Orchid Journal Vol. 16


The Malesian Orchid Journal, a new twice-yearly publication, will publish scientific and semi-popular articles on the taxonomy, ecology and conservation of the native orchids of the Malesian—the area formerly known as the East Indies. Malesia traditionally comprises the Philippines, Sundaland (Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Islands (Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi), Lesser Sunda Islands (e.g. Bali, Lombok, Komodo, Sumbawa, Flores, Timor), and Papuasia (Maluku, New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago, but excluding Bougainville). Many of the world’s biodiversity hotspots are located in Malesia. The flora may be represented by as many as 30,000 flowering plants, including 6000 native orchid species in 200 genera. Approximately 3000 species are recorded from the island of New Guinea alone, while Mount Kinabalu on Borneo, an area of only about 1200 km2, has 850 taxa of orchids in 137 general.


  • Editorial
  • Kipandiorchis — A New Orchid Genus from Borneo by Peter O’Byrne and Linus Gokusing
  • Notes on Borneo Orchids 2: New Species, New Records, and Miscellaneous Notes by Peter O’Byrne
  • Papuasian Orchid Studies 5 by Paul Ormerod
  • Stigmatodactylus richardianum — A New Species and a New Genus Record for Peninsular Malaysia by Ong Poh Teck and Joanne Tan Pei Chih
  • New Record Suggests an Expanded Distribution Area of Thrixspermum squarrosum J.J. Sm. by Aninda Retno Utami Wibowo, I Gede Tirta, Lina Susanti Juswara and Alexander Kocyan
  • Two Rare Thrixspermum Species Discovered at Murum Dam Site: New Records for Sarawak by Ling Chea Yiing
  • Tainia in Malesia — A New Subspecies and a New Record for Borneo and the Philippines by Peter O’Byrne, Jeffrey J. Wood and Anthony Lamb
  • From Singular to Plural — An Epithet Correction in Dendrobium section Calcarifera by Jeffrey J. Wood
  • A Revision of Stichorkis in Peninsular Malaysia by Peter O’Byrne
  • The Borneo Form of Calanthe masuca by Peter O’Byrne
  • Possible Dendrobium smillieae Pollinator in West Papua Province by Arthur Yin and Ch’ien Lee

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Weight .5 kg



Andre Schuiteman




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